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Leading in uncertain times

In the case of major restructurings with an open outcome, managers find themselves caught between business requirements, insecure employees and their own search for orientation.

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How do you feel about China?

The former love for the extended workbench of German industry has cooled. We are offended to realize that China is no longer the low-wage country it once was, but has become a high-tech location.

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Between karma book and robustness

In times of economic uncertainty, there is a growing contradiction between the increasing demands of employees and the challenges of company management. How do you manage a company that is increasingly striving for a feel-good atmosphere and self-fulfilment despite crises?

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Food for thought & impulses

Do you bear responsibility in a mid-sized company, a fast-growing startup, or a large nonprofit organization? Then subscribe to Dr. Markus Baumanns' newsletter, where he shares industry insights, discusses the latest economic developments, and provides food for thought every month. 

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